How to Walk the Mystical Path with
Practical Feet in Today's World
Location: Richmond, VA & Redlands, CA

Several people have come to me over the last few years feeling lost and confused; they have not known what to do, or they have had no idea about their soul calling or their purpose in life. As I have listened to these stories, I have realized that, more than ever, the need for the teachings in which I specialize has increased exponentially as life on planet Earth has become more challenging.
My teachings have been developed as I have consulted with indigenous peoples and amazing teachers from whom I have learned heartfelt, beneficial, and worthwhile lessons that I choose to share with those who are willing to take control of their own lives and follow the path of their souls as they walk this mystical path with practical feet. I believe that my purpose at this time is to share these wise teachings to assist those who are anxious to gain personal empowerment through the mastery of Self with honor, respect, integrity, and grace.
You will learn the Archetypes that are governing you to bring your shadows into the light, the stages and development of the Eternal Being that you really are, the first seven stages of awakening and remembering, cross-cultural ceremonies and meditations to guide your mind into harmony and communication with your Avatar Higher Consciousness. Additionally, you will learn how to manifest and materialize your life dream which you will discover if you so desire, and you will also experience healings of your past life personalities that have been holding you back in this lifetime…and so much more.

Richmond, VA: The cost per weekend has been reduced from $425 to $395 and is on a first come basis. There is room for 12-15 people. The course starts in 2024, and the weekends are as follows: March 15th – 17th, June 14th – 16th, Sept 13th – 15th , Dec 13th -15th , and March 14th – 16th of 2025 is the grand finale.
We will meet five times during the year for a weekend consisting of a Friday night starting at 7:00 P.M. to Sunday afternoon ending around 2:00 P.M. The commitment must be for a year since each season builds upon the last. None can be missed. These weekends are experiential and are not recorded to protect people’s privacy. TRUST – without the need to know the future – that once you sign up, your soul will assist you in attending the rest. Let go of the need to know how, because the Saboteur Archetype will create all kinds of excuses and blocks otherwise. The Saboteur, which does not want you to advance, works through your fears of what you might discover – like issues with finances, time, health, and the common “I don’t do groups.” Those who participate in this series of five meetings are not a group. We will create a tribe that is nowhere duplicated on the planet. We grow much faster when evolving in a tribe than when we try to go it alone. I often hear, “I have finally found my soul family!” So – if you are truly ready to grow and become your authentic self in a much faster way, this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Redlands, CA: The cost per weekend is reduced from $425 to$350. The dates are March 9th – 10th , June 8th – 9th; Sept 7th – 8th; Dec 7th – 8th; and March 8th – 9th, 2025 for the grand finale. A $250 deposit is due right away.
Payment can be made per weekend or all at once. Payment plans are available. Each weekend is non-refundable and must be paid a week in advance before the class. A $250 non-refundable fee will hold your place. MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, and Venmo are available for a service charge. Cash and checks are also acceptable and have no service charge unless the check is returned.
Syllabus Rough Draft
The Backbone for this course will be the Book the FOUR FOLD WAY by Dr. Angeles Arrien from the Pyrenees mountains in the Basque country. She was my teacher for many years. We will start with the Way of the Healer. Mother Nature has her own particular agenda during each season. The indigenous peoples knew and know this. We start with the Way of the Healer for Spring and all the lessons and teachings that season brings. I go into more depth in the class. The book is required for the class if one wants to make the most out of it. It’s an old book, yet just like most older things, it has even more value today. The ceremonies she taught me to go along with the Healer and each season will be shared.
Caroline Myss, who has written several books on healing and self-awareness, has also been another teacher of mine for many years. I am listed on her website: http://www.myss.com as an archetypal consultant and help people to find their soul contracts in this life. We will being doing some of this as well. Her book SACRED CONTRACTS is not required, yet a good read for understand what a soul contract is. Her Archetype Cards are necessary for the class.
These books are suggested for you to get the most out of the classes, but not required.
She has another book that I will be using called A TIME FOR GRACE delving into our Chakras and the patterns that are held within them that eventually cause physical, emotional, mental and psychic pain and suffering. Learning how to release them through the seven graces will be part of the yearlong training, and WHY PEOPLE DON’T HEAL AND HOW THEY CAN will be used for the way of the Healer Archetype.
Don Miguel Ruiz’s THE FOUR AGREEMENTS & THE FIFTH AGREEMENT will also be used for the yearlong curriculum. His book MASTERY OF LOVE will be used for the Way of the Healer as well.
Jamie Sam’s THE THIRTEEN ORIGINAL CLAN MOTHERS will be part of the yearlong curriculum to show us more of what the lessons are for each month.
Some of these books are on audible for those that learn easier while listening. It is not required to buy them, as the library carries them I believe. Since they are mainly references for the year, they are good to have on hand, as we will go over different parts of them at different seasons.
Other topics:
The Four Universal Addictions (not drugs, sex, alcohol etc.) The Four Universal Laws of Detachment Drumming Ceremonies (yes you will need a drum you like the sound of) Each season has its own sacred instrument – Drum is for Spring. You will learn I Ching drumming. Easy and profound at the same time. Ancient chants Guided meditations of various kinds Finding your animal familiar spirit guide How to hear your soul’s instructions Journaling Dream work – what are you dreaming in the night dream, daydream and middle dream? How to track yourself in your dreams and the messages they bring for guidance Storytelling, chanting and sacred dance Crystal bowl and bell work to assist the Visionary Archetype How to use a Rattle to assist your Spiritual Warrior What is Base 12 oscillating frequencies and how to use them to help turn on our intron DNA instead of the Base 10 music we listen to everyday – We were originally Base 12 Beings. Rumi & Hafiz and other sacred poets’ poems to share that can help us shape-shift our consciousness
This is a start! I listen very deeply to the guidance for each class depending on who will be present. In that way, I am what I call “a little hollow bone” for Spirit’s guidance to offer the best I can for you all.
I hope this helps. Get back to me with any questions. Since March is right around the corner. I need to know asap so I can make a flight and prepare booklets.
My credentials are: I have a PhD in Transpersonal, Psychology and Philosophy, and BA in BioRegenesis Morphogenetic Science and Spirituality I am a full-fledged medicine woman with the Mescalero Apache tribe I am a bio feedback specialist, as well as certified life coach and spiritual mentor, and meditation teacher I am co-author of a book called, Who and What Owns Us And I’ve been in practice for 40 years and been doing psychic readings for 50 I’ve traveled around the world taking groups of people and worked with many indigenous cultures, as well as several trainings, certifications and experiences
Many blessings – Da’Naho
Please call or text me at 951-313-8541 or email me: kathrynleeman16@yahoo.com. You may visit my website – www.ConsciousKonnection.com – for details about me : who I am, and what I do.
I look forward to hearing from you and assisting you in your journey of learning how to allow your feet to walk the Good Red Road, with your mind in the Blue Ribbon Road of Spirit, and keeping your heart in the centered, balanced place of both.
Kathryn Leeman