
Phone: (951) 313-8541 — Email: kathrynleeman16@yahoo.com

Pyramid planet scene
“My training is constant, in order that I can be the best “hollow bone” I can be to help others. I learned that the more one's spiritual filter system is understood and balanced, the clearer and more succinct they can be for others.”
Kathryn Leeman
Kathryn Leeman
Pyramid planet scene
“My training is constant, in order that I can be the best “hollow bone” I can be to help others. I learned that the more one's spiritual filter system is understood and balanced, the clearer and more succinct they can be for others.”
Kathryn Leeman
Kathryn Leeman

Personal Sessions

Evolutionary Soul Coaching session image

Intuitive Coaching & Mentoring

Everyone, at some time or another, has wished that there were some answers to deep questions that burn within, such as:
Who am I? – What is my purpose in life? 
Evolutionary Intuitive Coaching & Mentoring helps you to understand the difference between following fate or pursing your destiny.  It helps you get in touch with the voice of your Self and learn how to follow it.

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Quantum Interfacing is the state-of-the-art scientific breakthrough designed for stress reduction at all levels. The EPFX/SCIO computer uses energy frequencies to scan your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual intelligences, in order to assist you in understanding your symptoms and conditions at a level you may not have awareness.

Sacred Contracts

Discovering Your Sacred Contracts

A Sacred Contract is a guided plan for our lives – we co-create our Contracts with Divine Guidance, which includes many individual agreements – or subcontracts – to meet and work with certain people in certain places at certain times. We always have the opportunity for spiritual transformation, which is the ultimate goal of working with our Archetypal Contract. Discovering a sacred contract is one of the most empowering tools to understand why our lives have gone the way they have.

Mother's Lap rose image

Messages from the Divine Feminine

I have been channeling the energy of the Divine Feminine since 1988. Over the years it took on more of the Archetypal presence of Mother Mary and Sophia, the Creatrix. In a private session, whether on the telephone, Zoom, Facetime or in person, you get to experience Her. She delivers a message to you, and then allows you to ask Her questions. Any question is acceptable, as long as it is asked with sincerity and integrity.

close encounters

Close Encounters

As a child do you remember looking up into the sky at night and felt like you wanted to go home? Or feeling that you just do not fit in here? Have you ever wondered if you have had a close encounter of some kind? Perhaps interesting markings on your body; strange dreams; fascination with ET stories; or perhaps do not feel like you can share your experience with anyone for fear of being judged? If you want someone to talk to, would like a regression back to a particular time, or just have something to share, please feel free to text or call to make an appointment.

Evolutionary Soul Coaching session image

Intuitive Coaching & Mentoring

Everyone, at some time or another, has wished that there were some answers to deep questions that burn within, such as: Who am I? – What is my purpose in life? Evolutionary Intuitive Coaching & Mentoring helps you to understand the difference between following fate or pursing your destiny. It helps you get in touch with the voice of your Self and learn how to follow it.

Bio-feedback image


Quantum Interfacing is the state-of-the-art scientific breakthrough designed for stress reduction at all levels. The EPFX/SCIO computer uses energy frequencies to scan your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual intelligences, in order to assist you in understanding your symptoms and conditions at a level you may not have awareness.​

Sacred Contracts

Discover Your Sacred Contract

A Sacred Contract is a guided plan for our lives – we co-create our Contracts with Divine Guidance, which includes many individual agreements – or subcontracts – to meet and work with certain people in certain places at certain times. We always have the opportunity for spiritual transformation, which is the ultimate goal of working with our Archetypal Contract. Discovering a sacred contract is one of the most empowering tools to understand why our lives have gone the way they have.

Mother's Lap rose image

Messages from the Divine Feminine

I have been channeling the energy of the Divine Feminine since 1988. Over the years it took on more of the Archetypal presence of Mother Mary and Sophia, the Creatrix. In a private session, whether on the telephone, Zoom, Facetime or in person, you get to experience Her. She delivers a message to you, and then allows you to ask Her questions. Any question is acceptable, as long as it is asked with sincerity and integrity.

close encounters

Close Encounters

As a child do you remember looking up into the sky at night and felt like you wanted to go home? Or feeling that you just do not fit in here? Have you ever wondered if you have had a close encounter of some kind? Perhaps interesting markings on your body; strange dreams; fascination with ET stories; or perhaps do not feel like you can share your experience with anyone for fear of being judged? If you want someone to talk to, would like a regression back to a particular time, or just have something to share, please feel free to text or call to make an appointment.

A New Natural Mysticism Training


” … My business has more than doubled. I am now making more money than I thought possible.” ~ (NS)
“… for the first time I’m truly beginning to feel like I have a spiritual purpose to my life.” ~ (MB)
“… my whole life has changed. I am no longer dependent on another for security. I have realized my life dream.” ~ (JH)
“… I have learned to find peace within myself and be happy with who I am instead of succumbing to addictions.” ~ (NP)

Past Retreats

Recent Blogs

Mission & Purpose (They aren’t what you think)

Mission & Purpose (They aren’t what you think)

I often get people coming into my office, because they want to find their Purpose

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Fate vs Destiny

Fate vs Destiny

People have often used the words Destiny and Fate interchangeably. However, they are different. From my many years of working with people I have gleaned a tremendous amount of information regarding the soul’s journey.

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Karmic Bondage

Karmic Bondage

There are so many misconceptions about what Karma really is. It is not is some authority figure judging you, and sending you back to Earth to do penance.

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  • (951) 313-8541
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