
Testimonials on Intivitve Coaching and Mentoring

“… for the first time I’m truly beginning to feel like I have a spiritual purpose to my life.” ~ (MB)
“… Dr. Kathryn Leeman is an amazing spiritual coach. I have been going to see her for the last few months for Akashic Record sessions. Through her teachings and guidance I have become more aware of who I am. I have a better understanding of myself and why I make the choices that I do in my life. I am so blessed to have Dr. Leeman as my spiritual guidance counselor. I would recommend Dr. Leeman to anyone who has a desire to embark on a journey of self discovery.” ∼ (MW)
“… after Kathryn’s intuitive coaching session, she assisted me in clearing some harmful patterns. I am now happily married to a wonderful person. ~ (CM)
” … My business has more than doubled. I am now making more money than I thought possible.” ~ (NS)
“… My sessions with Dr. Kathryn Leeman have been awesome! Dr. Leeman is a dynamic facilitator, who is extremely intuitive and knowledgeable. The sessions for me have been very insightful and helpful to know myself more and to learn more about myself. When I first began my sessions with Dr. Leeman, I had many unanswered questions about what my life purposes are, questions regarding family issues that I wanted to understand and questions as to my love life. With each an every session I have had with Dr. Leeman, I have gained more clarity about myself and what my life purposes are. As for my love life, I learned that I needed to learn to love myself first before a true, fulfilling love life could even begin. I am grateful and blessed to be able to continue my self discovery and growth through my sessions with Dr. Leeman.” ∼ (LW)
“… the results have been that I am now cancer free. I have opened my own business and look forward to life everyday.” ~ (PH)
“… I have learned to find peace within myself and be happy with who I am instead of succumbing to addictions.” ~ (NP)
“… my whole life has changed. I am no longer dependent on another for security. I have realized my life dream.” ~ (JH)
“Very good at what she does. Predictions always have the potential to change due to our free will, however the vast majority of Kathryn’s predictions have been so accurate as they’ve come to pass in short amount of time. I’m always contacting her back to let her know that yet another aspect of the reading was correct. She’s great at honing in on a name and/or situation and providing info on what she sees from Spirit and also great at coupling the reading the spiritual advice and insight to move one in the direction towards creating what they want out of their life journey.” - [ERH]

Messages from the Divine Feminine Testimonials
Formerly The Mother's Lap

“…I have attended several “Mother’s Laps”. Each time — when you “connect” — I feel the Presence of the Divine Feminine awakened within me — and the entire room. Thank-you for bringing her to us. Her message to us is always “spot-on” to current events; relation to past / future; and the Q&A is always responded from a Higher Plane. I look forward to the next event.” – Rev Thelma Smith

” The Mother’s Lap is a unique evening in the presence of the Divine Mother, channeled through Kathryn.  I have hosted a number of these evenings and been privileged to have that wonderful energy in my Center and home. There is always a universal message, and then the opportunity to sit with the Mother to ask your own personal questions. I have received timely information and felt so encompassed and loved by the Mother.  I highly recommend these evenings! “- Lisa Marks

“To be present during a Mother’s Lap is truly a divine experience. There is a sacredness that permeates the space and all those present. The Mother’s messages are profound and meaningful. My sense of self – self love and compassion – is always raised, for she says often “If you could only see yourself as I see you.” If the Divine Mother sees me/us as divine beings, how can I not see myself/ourselves that way as well. At the last Mother’s Lap I attended, I felt such a strong feeling of love, more than I have ever experienced anywhere.”– jk

“The Mother’s message was so profound for me. I felt such a sense of peace for the first time in a long time. It is six months later, and everything she told me has thus far unfolded. Thank you Mother so very much.” – KM (Kansas)

“I have had the most wonderful experiences during the Mothers Lap. The information is not only accurate but given in a way that is loving and supportive. Whenever I feel the need, The Mother is who I go to for counsel, warmth and affirming my souls desire…” – Laurel

“I felt so much Divine Love in the room that I couldn’t stop crying! Everyone’s answer was also an answer or a message I needed to hear. It was such a blessing …” – CK (North Carolina)

“I experienced being like a small child cuddled up on Her lap, and being so unconditionally loved for the first time. Having been an orphan, I cannot convey what this did for me. I now know that being loved is possible …” – SM (Hawaii)

“Always enlightening, always on target. Anytime I have talked to the Mother, She is very honest and forthright with me. I feel like I am getting sound advice, and my cats appreciate Her energy as well!” – LM (Virginia)

“… The Mother helped me to understand my daughter from a brand new perspective. I could never comprehend why my daughter did and said the things she did until now. We are finally able to communicate again and that feels wonderful.” – MJ (Florida)

“… thanks to the Mother my self-esteem has improved considerably. She revealed things about my soul that I never knew. I now know that I AM a good person to the core of my Being, and for that I will be forever grateful. No more shame here!” – LD (California)


Biofeedback Testimonials

“I have known Kathryn Leeman for about 14 years and have always been more than happy with the very successful results from her variety of … modalities. Just recently, I was having a lot of difficulty in the math and science areas of a test I needed to pass in order to continue moving forward for my teaching credential. Kathryn discussed with me the potential of using the EPFX/USB biofeedback to assist me while I was taking the test. I agreed to Kathryn’s using this biofeedback on the day of the test. I went as usual to the test location and took the math and science part of the test. I can honestly say that this was the most difficult test I have ever taken. In fact, after taking it, once inside my car, I broke down in tears. I called Kathryn and she told me that she had seen I was under a tremendous amount of stress during the test. I told her I would call her as soon as I received the results. About two weeks later, I received the results and had actually passed the test. I was so happy and relieved that I would never have to take that test again. I called Kathryn immediately and told her I passed. About two weeks after that, I was offered a job to teach — you guessed it, high school math.

I am actually enjoying the math and was recently told by a staff member that I was doing a great job and the students are actually learning math, where as previously, they had been struggling significantly. The only explanation I can offer is that the EPFX/USB actually changed my attitude and assisted me in overcoming my own math phobia. I am convinced that this works and know that if and when I ever face such challenging conditions again, I will ask for assistance from Kathryn using the EPFX/USB biofeedback.”
~ D.A.M.

“For 19 years I have been receiving biofeedback frequency sessions through Kathryn at Konscious Konnection.
In every session I receive beneficial results toward the alignment of my body with well-being; experiences I feel most grateful for.
The more amazing aspect is that I can be provided with this service no matter where I am in the world, no matter where Kathryn is in the world. We call this a “sub space” session and I feel the frequency come to me as if I were sitting in Kathryn’s office in her presence.
One might find this hard to believe but science has proven that frequencies exist. Everything in the world vibrates with frequency, including humanity. Therefore, when biofeedback frequency is sent to the body the cells receive it and update themselves for enhanced well-being.
I feel extremely grateful that Kathryn trained in biofeedback to provide opportunity for us to experience it. My own being has been greatly enhanced through this method.”

Retreat Testimonials

“I have found the Healing Heart Retreat to be the most magical, special healing retreat I’ve ever attended, and I’ve attended many! When Kathryn holds your heart, you know you’re embarking on a transformational experience that is absolutely life changing. Multiple. I’d go anywhere, anytime to be a part of a Healing Heart retreat. The Mother’s Lap is a unique evening in the presence of the Divine Mother received through Kathryn. I have hosted a number of these evenings and been privileged to have that wonderful energy in my Center and home. There is always a universal message, and then the opportunity to sit with the Mother to ask your own personal questions. I have received timely information and felt so encompassed and loved by the Mother. I highly recommend these evenings!” – Lisa

“I have taken several of Kathryn’s healing heart retreats, and each has revealed and healed a hidden wound that had been sabotaging my happiness. The words “revealed and healed’ are too stark to describe the beautiful unfolding that I experienced in an environment so loving that I was able to open up in ways I had never before experienced. I became more intimately acquainted to my authentic self during each retreat, and each has helped me live a more authentic life.” – Laura, PhD

“I have attended several of Kathryn retreats and her hands on my heart. They have been vital to my own healing process and growth. Kathryn creates a safe, loving and uplifting environment. I have also had the most wonderful experiences during the Mothers Lap. The information is not only accurate but given in a way that is loving and supportive. Whenever I feel the need, the Mother is who I go to for counsel, warmth and affirming my soul’s desire. With deepest gratitude,” – Laurel

“I’ve attended Mother’s Lap for 15 years! Each is authentic & magical for me! I recommend them to anyone! I have also attended Healing Heart retreats for well over a decade; they are inspirational and extremely healing events! I heartfully recommend them for anyone!!!!! “– Dr. Lanny Bruce Fields, Professor of History

“I have attended several Healing Heart Retreats and Mother’s Lap Sessions, and have had private sessions with the Mother. Always I receive practical information that helps me see circumstances of my life in new ways. This promotes the opportunity for me to respond differently to the circumstances of my life. With insight, I have an easier time choosing peace. Participating in the Healing Heart Retreat is amazing. Compassion flowers for self and ‘others’. Kathryn is an extraordinary guide for these journeys in consciousness.” – BC, Richmond, VA

“Kathryn Leeman has been a very important part of my spiritual growth for over 17 yrs. now. Helping with personal issues, marital issues and the loss of my only child. Her Healing Heart Retreats are by far the best available anywhere, mainly because she truly does care about the person or persons she is working with. Many blessings to Kathryn and her work.” ~ Vicki Ellis-Ehresman, Eagle Heart Dancing

“…open my heart and to take a stand for myself. It has given me the courage and strength to be real and not be what others think I should be. I encourage anyone who is ready to change that this is the place to do it! It has given me a whole new meaning to life.” ~ Danielle

“From zero to sixty–that’s how fast my heart coalesced during a session with the Divine Mother.  I heard (and felt ) things from Her that were of great importance to me, and known only to myself.  Highly recommended.”  – VA

“Kathryn’s unique and extraordinary abilities have been gifted to the rest of us so eloquently through the retreats she hosts. I have been to several Healing Heart Retreats and several Mother’s Lap sessions. Each time they have been insightful and transformative. There is always a trusting and loving environment and you can’t help but come away with uplifting feelings that stay with you!”  – Robyn Winkler

“As I returned home this afternoon and unpacked I was filled with a sense of gratitude for you and the opportunity to join with you on this journey.   Each person’s healing this weekend was so perfect and each one so creative and unique. I know you’ve done a lot of your own work and clearing to get to this place where you can be the hollow bone for us. Your talent to receive and see beyond is truly amazing and inspirational to watch and participate in. My thanks 🙂 In Love & Light,” – Martha

“Dear Kathryn, you are amazing!! As the “hollow bone” through which you dialog for one’s healing is expressed, and healing for us all is accomplished through the one in the center of the room. You open our hearts to expose and release deep hurts and wounds; and desires. You free us to be ourselves, to be Authentic. The whole weekend provides the opportunity to move from individuals into a cohesive, harmonious tribe of One.” –Rev Dwight Smith