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Karmic Bondage

There are so many misconceptions about what Karma really is. What it is not is some authority figure or figures judging you, and sending you back to Earth to do penance. Karma is actually a self-imposed judgment.

At the end of each life, we evaluate ourselves. We review our lives and make judgment calls on what we feel we did wrong or right. Instead of seeing it from a more higher self perspective, we evaluate our thoughts, words and actions based on the rules of the culture we lived in at the time. We do not remember the agreements we made with other souls regarding the roles we would play for them to assist them in evolving their previous self-imposed karma.

For example, John murders Jane, dies, and judges himself as a horrible person, and feels he should come back to be murdered or something he feels will cause him to suffer. He does not realize that Jane came to him before incarnating, soul to soul, feeling like she needed to be murdered, because she had done that to someone else in a former life. John agrees to help Jane “work off” her karma, so he plays the role of the murderer to relieve Jane of her self-imposed limitation. However, now he forgets that agreement and he is on the same wheel Jane was on, and around they go. Got that? 

It can certainly get more complicated and intricate than that simple example. The point is that we need to realize at some point in our evolutionary process to take a much higher perspective, and realize that each life is a stage for unresolved issues to be worked out. Once we know what our contracts are with another person, we get ourselves off the hamster wheel of negative karma and  pop over to positive karma. 

Karma means self-reflective balance. If the scales get tipped too far in one direction, eventually they need to tip in the other direction for us to learn about balance and non-judgment. Assessing is one thing, judging is completely different. Judging keeps our souls in a type of spiritual bondage, until we wake up and realize we aren’t so bad after all. Past-life regression help one to see their personal judgments, recognize the contracts and release them with the help of someone well-trained in doing past-life therapy.

Akashic Records contain all of the information stored in our past-lives, and being able to understand them through a reading and/or regression helps us to have a better life feeling less weighed down and more in control. This knowledge brings us to a place of moving into living our destiny instead of living our fate. 

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